world wide web (www)

  • The Web is a large learning space where we encounter others also interested in the same topics. It is a limitless place where people create and share knowledge, and it is a space in which we can have conversations that can continue almost indefinitely, drawing others into the dialogue from diverse interests, cultures and backgrounds. […] Read more →

  • Have the multi-dimensional possibilities of the Web forged a generation of non-linear thinkers, or has the Web simply been fashioned in such a way that it reflects the natural structure of human minds? from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • The way we represent ourselves (using avatars, usernames, etc.) varies for many depending on the medium we are using. People represent themselves differently in Second Life to the way they represent themselves on Facebook, because the affordances of each environment prompt a different response from them. In some cases [virtual representations] of ourselves become as […] Read more →