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Graphics Interchange Format (gifs)
what is a gif?
- graphics interchange format
- may 28 1987 Stephen wilheim
- assignment for compuserve to create an alternative to sending and displaying heavier video files. gifs cut out frames from a movie
- patent expired in 1998
- image encoded using gif format with multiple frames out together to create a looped animation
- videos stop, gifs never do. gifs are images.
how are gifs used?
- reactions
- commentary
- web design
first gif ever was airplane
first viral gif was the dancing baby 1996 (dancing baby is also considered the first viral meme)
why are they transparent? to be used on other sites.
gif movements
- 1992 first image posted online
- invention
- art with transparent background (2002 PBJ dance banana)
- text for social media / MySpace
- video gifs
- Facebook killed it by not supporting
- Tumblr started supporting
- Photoshop / create your own
gif vs gif
the cultural influence of gifs
gif artists
- a possible evolution of photography
- short silent videos
make a gif