Good things list
(ongoing and updated irregularly)
- rainbows in the morning
- playing with someone else (drums)
- haircut
- my flower thing 😏
- meditation
- Lego
- Zenny putting her body against mine
- blankets
- after all the chores are done
- Zenny getting excited about new toys or her new cat tree
- figuring out how to publish from Obsidian to a website so I can share my half-thoughts and ideas in progress with internet strangers
- webcore designed sites
- name change
- movies
- songs i learned on drums
- cat
- bens solstice party
- Pedro Pascal
- zine therapy
- my weird plush
- NeoCities
- jackbox icons
- being in the air (flying)
- giant rubber duck
- Freddy doodles
- eyeballs masks
- Breckenridge troll
- monster hunter now
- pumpkin festival painted pumpkins
- my sweaters
- horror gingerbread express
- Closed out LTI 1.3 backout
- Movement on asset ingestion - I get to write a doc & do training
- 1:1 time with Zach and doing some name change things
- Making a glossary (it was fun ok)
- Ashley during the agile training - jokes and comradery
- Pumpkin spice chai tea
- Zenny cuddling
- Horror that caught my attention and I put down the phone (Witchboard, Castle Freak)
- Tinder and a little crush
- Monster Hunter Now
- 40,423 game in Number Match
- Duolingo and understanding more Spanish than I knew I knew (just like that guy at the Air&Space museum in Denver said about German)
what I like about Chicago:
- easy to navigate whether you're walking or taking public transportation
- there are skylines everywhere since it's relatively flat
- the small buildings have a lot of personality and variation (nowhere I went looked the same as anywhere else)
- lots of parks and trails
- lots of art everywhere
- lake Michigan
- there are beaches
- Olivia lives there
- polar bears
- that's where I realized that cemeteries have stories, not just the people taking up space there
- it wasn't humid