Social media
Add: History, Definitions, my experience
forums were/are social media too. I think the problem is more that the term social media has evolved and now everybody uses it differently, so it's difficult to get everyone on track with a conversation about it being bad or good. in the late '90s we were calling forums social media, but it meant something different back then.
I think what people mean now is that they hate algorithm driven social media that seeks to manipulate what people see for financial gain.
from Defriending the Web by Dennis Knopf (published in 2009)
What matters most is not the user communicating a deeper understanding of the content, but their emotional reaction to it.
Identity online
Defriending the Web by Dennis Knopf (published in 2009)
Within these networks, one can not only set up an account and profile, but also browse through millions of other profiles. But first, in order to set oneself apart from this mass, one has to join it. What appears gro-tesque about this practice is that the users, who are trying to express their uniqueness and individuality, are simply contributing to a collective mass of information. the main asset of any social network, besides of-fering the tools for personal websites, is their database–their social pool of users.
from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler (published in 2015)
The way we represent ourselves (using avatars, usernames, etc.) varies for many depending on the medium we are using. People represent themselves differently in Second Life to the way they represent themselves on Facebook, because the affordances of each environment prompt a different response from them.
In some cases virtual representations of ourselves become as real to people as their identity in ‘real life.’ These studies led Sherry Turkle to propose that new forms of personal identity are emerging as a result of prolonged interaction with others through technology–that our identities are increasingly multiple and decentred.
Technology can be used to portray the self in many different ways, transform the self-concept and even extend one’s identity into contexts beyond normal physical capabilities. Technology can strongly influence the way we perceive ourselves, enabling us to transcend our own limitations as we invest our energies and time.
Notes and half-thoughts
- what do the algorithms do on each of the sites, especially the ones I use but not all of them
- every time something happens with one of the social medias, everybody has all kinds of commentary about every other site all the sudden. it's very exciting.
- I am having a social media break for all of winter but as the TikTok ban looms, I'm giving myself a TikTok weekend. I haven't been on since December and everybody's hair is longer.
social media algorithms are manipulating human behavior
- they decide what you read and watch
- unregulated
- learns what you want - changes the person into someone who's more predictable
- trying to get more clicks, that's it's goal, so it shows you gateways into other things
- more extreme = higher emotional response to content that affirms your views of the world - gets them riled up about what they're riled up about
- human propagandists know this - but they can only produce one message at a time
- algorithm can produce one stream for each human, specially tailored to them
- knows how you engage in every piece of content
- no evidence of how algorithms work - platforms are opaque. even the company boards have no access to data
- govt trying to fix the fact that no one has access to any of the data - policy recommendations, agreements between govt/platforms for transparency (aggregated data)
- reinforcement learning algorithms - maximize long term sum of rewards (eg clicks). these will manipulate you and try to change your brain.
- supervised learning algorithms - trying to get it right right now, predict whether you're going to click on an item (eg, recommend based on likes). wouldn't cause you to change what you like.
- effects of different algorithms?
- if they are manipulating people that's a problem!
- creators think like the algorithm - end up creating a lot of clickbait
Netflix- hault and catch fire
Evolution of social media
- communication - postal service, printing press, telephone, telegraph, radio, television
- internet - military wanted a way to send info to one place to another securely and without interruption, 1969 - compuserve, 1971 - first email, 1978 - bbs, 1979 - Usenet (LISTSERVs), 80s - home computers
- CERN - 1990 - developed a way to share text documents - use browser (Netscape) to navigate the www
- 1997 - AIM, 1999 - Napster/blogger
- text, image, video
- connecting/social, interest based, etc
- crowdfunding
- advocacy
- future: employees become beacons for company, data driven decisions, live streams, real-time chat w/company sites, rebranding w/added features
- evolves with technology