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from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler (published in 2015)

Technologies are neutral, and the potential threads reside in society rather than in the technology itself.

Further evolution of technologies and increased reliance upon their use in human activities may advance society into completely new, unexpected and unpredictable directions.

Siva Vaidhyanathan is uncomfortable with the erroneous misclassification of generations and associated assumptions of technology competency levels, and warns: ‘We should drop our simplistic attachments to generations so we can generate an accurate and subtle account of the needs of young people–and all people, for that matter.’

Data and privacy

from Defriending the Web by Dennis Knopf (published in 2009)

this data gathering is more explicit with Blockbuster’s replacements like netflix, where customers fill their preferences into user profiles so as to have movies suggested to them. a great service, and all you have to do is to provide detailed information about who you are and what you like. even greater is your service to them; their market research isn’t just free, you even pay for participating in it.