Learning with E’s

from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler

  • The personal technology being brought into schools in the pockets of the students is going to be the real game changer. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • The 1.0 School is no longer able to effectively teach the 2.0 Student. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • Schooling in its present form was designed to meet the needs of a society that no longer exists. This is a view that is gaining a great deal of traction. In his famous TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson argues that while other professions are rapidly adapting to meet the changes, education is standing firm, stoically […] Read more →

  • I believe that for educators everywhere, the challenge is to take devices that have the potential for great distraction and boldly appropriate them as tools that can inspire learners, focus their minds, and engage them in learning. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • The state-funded school is a system where one size must fit all, and where the individual is swallowed up in the machinery of the school day. It is the place where we entrust the future of our youth, the generation that will take our place. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the […] Read more →

  • Every successful teacher must also be a professional learner. The essence of good teaching is to get students to fall in love with learning. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • [Students’] ability to be flexible and responsive to change, and their skills of ‘learning how to learn’ will be just about all they have to help them survive. They will need to be digitally ready and technologically literate, probably beyond the experience and knowledge of their teachers and tutors. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory […] Read more →

  • I am an educator who truly believes that the moral imperative of what we do must be centered on the development of people; of individuals; their unique talents and interests and of their growing awareness of their own aspirations and values. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve […] Read more →

  • The way we represent ourselves (using avatars, usernames, etc.) varies for many depending on the medium we are using. People represent themselves differently in Second Life to the way they represent themselves on Facebook, because the affordances of each environment prompt a different response from them. In some cases [virtual representations] of ourselves become as […] Read more →