Learning with E’s

from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler

  • Each student is uniquely individual, and each can create their own ‘desire lines’ and personalised pathways to learning through the flexibility of smart devices and tools. Smartphones are crammed full of useful technologies that can support creative learning. It’s more important for us to recognise the significance of each tool, and how they can be […] Read more →

  • If students study exclusively or predominantly away from the traditional campus, their prime connection to peers, experts and content will be through their personal devices. If the infrastructure to support this fails for any reason, students are suddenly separated from their resources and expert support. Universities must therefore ensure that institutional services such as Learning […] Read more →

  • It’s important for teachers and learners that tools are transparent–they should be so simple to use that the user thinks more about learning than they do about how they will operate the tool. It’s a complete waste of time if a student spends more time trying to figure out how to navigate a website than […] Read more →

  • Knowledge is like love. You can give it away as much as you like, but you never lose it. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • No amount of technology, self-study or user-generated content can ever replace a good teacher. Educators will still be there to motivate and give impetus, and they will act as pedagogy experts to facilitate and support quality learning. from Learning with E’s: Educational Theory and Practice in the Digital Age by Steve Wheeler Read more →

  • Being able to regurgitate [surface knowledge] onto a test paper to gain as high a grade as possible is as far removed from education as it is possible to be. Exams are at best a snapshot of students’ memories at the time the test is administered. The exam itself tells us nothing about how children […] Read more →