#topic/writing #topic/process #max/lessons-learned

Struggles of revising and rewriting

When I began to rewrite one of our major platform/process guides in July 2022, it was such an exciting event for me that I took notes on what I learned. There was a lot to unpack and decompress about what I found and it was extremely helpful to identify gaps in documentation training – how to approach additions, styling and formatting, etc.

Context: Guide Versions

V1: The first version of this master guide was written almost entirely by one person (not me) as a discovery and troubleshooting document containing all of the information the team had learned about it up to that point. Issues:

This version of the guide stayed with our team for about 5 years, but required rewrite due to major updates to the process and application.


V2: As a project and writing upskilling exercise, the second version of the guide was written by four team members who didn’t normally write. They were tasked to review V1, keep what was not changing, add content about the updates, and then fill in any gaps in knowledge by interviewing senior support team members or developers. They got to define most of the structure in how they worked with each other, and were provided with guide requirements laid out clearly. This assignment was the first where I played role of the documentation mentor, rather than the author-SME-editor.

This post goes over some of the issues that were identified for improvement during editing for V3.

V3: I began the rewrite/revision to match the structure and formatting of the rest of the team’s guides, including filling in gaps in content and fixing the issues noted below.

Issues from Version 2

When the V2 crew came together, their approach was to divide the guide in half – product vs process – and work in teams of two to fill out the outline. At the end they had created a version of the guide that was somewhat comprehensive in content, but with a few major issues.

Unfortunately, budget for time and resources was thin so most of these issues stuck around until I was able to prioritize my review 4 years later. (This is one of the pitfalls of volunteering to manage documentation as part of your job: it’s always at the bottom of the priority list.)

Writing process

Guide content

Images and examples


I know my part in these issues. When putting together this exercise, their manager and I might have given clearer expectations. We wanted them to feel flexible to get creative and execute the project in whatever way made sense for them as a team, so we weren’t strict on how they might do so. All of them had led assignments and projects in the past, but none had to do a self-directed project like this one before.

Some of the guide content and image issues were likely my fault for not giving enough up-front knowledge in the style guide, but the main gap that became obvious very quickly was the lack of a review/edit. It was a lesson learned for everyone and luckily we had time to help them correct the major errors and learn from the process before anyone was expected to use the guide.

This experience helped me truly understand how much I knew about writing from my history with writing, and I also had to admit I was assuming everyone had the same level of knowledge.

Getting honest feedback from the team on this project overall was a game changer for me. It never occurred to me that other people hated writing. I can understand “not enjoying it” but hating it was so foreign to me. Writing brings me so much joy! I shed all of my imposter syndrome after this project and grew an appreciation for the non-writers on my team, since they have to constantly write stuff (docs or otherwise).

This discovery was an invigorating moment in my career path knowing that writing is something I could easily do every day for the rest of my life, and in doing so I’d contribute unique value because everyone else dislikes it!

Lessons Learned

I doubt we’d do a project like this again, but if we did I’d change the following:

Note: Though this post was written to log gaps I identified in our docs, and provide an idea of the kind of guidance non-writers need when contributing to docs… it does sort of focus on the negative a bit. I’ll add that the writing team did initially create a pretty comprehensive outline and even though the guide lacked consistent communication overall, it also wasn’t consistently bad! If they had edited, many of these issues would have been caught and dealt with before I even saw the doc.

Created: 11/6/23