African History
My review
This isn't a usual history book. It was dense with folktales and stories of kingdoms and tribes across African history. If you're looking for a traditional history book with chapters spanning specific time periods and providing historical accounts, this is not for you.
You'll want to read it with a map nearby unless you've got all of Africa memorized already; I started without one and I was lost but the threads came together better if I took a moment to identify the context. The book brings you from the beginning and although it doesn't quite end at modern times, you'll start to understand why things are the way they are in Africa. (This makes me interested in finding another book to bridge the gap so I can make those ties more precisely.)
This book will destroy all your assumptions of early humans or what life was like for them. They had political systems, social expectations, and norms, and it's actually not true that all men were hunters and all women gatherers! It's barely true that ancient Africans had kings (though they may have had the title, often the position was similar to a chieftain on a counsel of many). Instead of a universal setting, each group had its own beliefs. Humans are always searching for the best way but there has never been a confirmed one. From our roots, we do what we can until another group conquers us and takes over with their beliefs and ways of living.
Some stories that stood out:
- we lost our chance of immortality due to a slow lizard and a god's impatience with it
- King Zwide running from every fight as soon as he loses the advantage
- A flock of birds who helped a turtle fly so he could join them at a celebration banquet where he then ate all the food and the birds abandoned him there. He had to jump and his shell broke, and now turtles are a reminder of the consequences of selfishness.
- Stories surrounding big cats and cubs that have a lesson to appreciate your environment and live off your own skill (not others). One of the cub stories seemed to not have a moral at all. Eat your friend's cubs and blame it on another animal so they get murdered instead!
- The idea of humans originating from a reincarnated being that went from a plant to rodents and grew through the animal kingdom until they finally came back as human. Interestingly literal take on the idea of evolution.
- Africans getting a gun from a white dude and then using it to conquer other Africans. I mean at no surprise the British came and did what the Dutch could not do alone: conquer, sieze, and change everything.
- An incredible amount of creation stories, many similar but all taking a unique path to how humans got here.
- all people, from the beginning of time, engage in creative activities, music, dance, and collaborative projects.
tags: #type/book-rec #topic/african-history
title: African History: Explore The Amazing Timeline of The World’s Richest Continent - The History, Culture, Folklore, Mythology & More of Africa
author: [History Brought Alive]
category: [History]
description: From the birthplace of civilization to modern times, African History tells the most exquisite tales of woe and wonder.
Using reliable, fact-checked written resources and discoveries from world-renowned archeologists, History Brought Alive presents African History.
Journey with us on the shoulders of the very first peoples of Africa across a riveting timeline of events. Explore the true history, facts, myths and drama that will have you curling your toes in awe and anticipation.
Here is a small taster of what’s inside this book:
- Major Figures, Key Events, Politics & Milestones in African History
- Fascinating Folktales, Myths & Legends, inc The Flying Tortoise, Lion & The Jackal, The Giants & Many More
- The Birth of Human Civilization - Learn About The Origins of Humanity in Africa
- Long Lost Kingdoms, inc Ancient Egypt, The Kingdom of Kush, The Land of Punt, Carthage, The Great Zimbabwe & Many More
- The Amazing Story of The Nubian Queen Who Fought Back Against Caesar's Powerful Roman Empire
- The Israelites & Their Amazing Journey Across The Nile River from Asia and into Africa, where they settled Nubia
- Rituals, Tribes & Traditions From Centuries of African Heritage
- The Zulu Wars - Epic Battles, Christianity & The British Empire In South Africa
And much, much more
Whether you're a history enthusiast or a curious reader...inside you will discover all you need to know about the true story of African History.
publisher: Amazon
published: 2022-08-29
total pages: 230
asin: B0B9X8S45G