Monster Hunter Now
If you play Monster Hunter Now, be my friend! 432370729670
Here is my little essay in service of this game:Monster Hunter Now has gotten a lot of quality of life improvement updates in the last 6 months. Although you do still have to grind* as is the spirit of the game, they’ve added several features that improved game play and self-decoration like layered equipment. With layered equipment, you can wear a rad outfit made of monster parts or you can wear it neatly underneath a pair of jeans. Or mix and match!
*Grinding in Monster Hunter is fighting the same monsters 100x times to strengthen your weapons and armor in order to be able to fight the next level of monsters.
It seems like they’re considering more what the experience of playing Monster Hunter should be and then infusing that into the mobile game. When the game was new, you only played with others if they were physically nearby. Nowadays you can join Hunt-A-Thons with people everywhere or nearby and kill monsters at levels you could never dream to do by yourself (the lineups are various difficulties).
This helps you advance incrementally quicker, especially towards goals that involve killing those monsters. You earn extra points for hunting with others along a seasonal point track that gives lots of rewards to help you level up. Plus, there are events galore lately so lots of opportunities to win fun things.It’s always more interesting hunting with others in this game. That’s part of what makes it so good! Get to the Hunt-A-Thon pots on your walks or drives or in the coffee shop parking lot like I do. Some people are lucky to have pots in their homes. Also, in my experience more people are playing the game! Locally, I’ve been protecting the neighborhood alone since September, until a few months ago when suddenly 4 other people are consistently on nearby! I guess this experience will vary though.
You still can enjoy playing alone especially now that your cat can target certain monsters. This helps clear the challenges and makes grinding specific monsters slightly easier too.
I AM trying to sell you on this free game even though we can’t play together from afar, but mostly I’m poking the people who downloaded it when it was new as their first Monster Hunter game, enjoyed it, and then gave up because it was not what they expected long term.It’s very different now. I hope you’ll try again 🙏
Created: 5/4/24