#type/podcast-rec #topic/productivity

Routines and Ruts

In May I wrote my thoughts after finishing the book I Didn’t Do the Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt by Madeleine Dore which I recommend to anyone neurodivergent or who just can’t seem to “stick” to things the way they expect themselves to. (I think those two general categories probably cover everyone.)


I recommended the Routines and Ruts podcast which I recently finished completely. However, it can be difficult jumping into a brand new podcast without any guidance – especially one with several seasons to get through.

I kept track of my favorite episodes and the ones that were most helpful for refreshing my perspective so I could listen to them again. I thought it would be helpful to offer the list here for those who don’t want to jump in blindly.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Created: 7/6/23